Being a bunch of links to Web sites where you will find HTML, JAVA, Javascript, and other Web page building tips.

Naval Observatory audio Master Clock (about 1/2 min. behind)
or 202/762-1401 (accurate within a millionth of a second)

You are visitor # . Feel welcome at the Psychoactive Management page.

[ Yahoo! ] options

Netscape tags

Microsoft tags

W3C (standards)

Javascript tutorial and more

Style sheet summary (great stuff)

Yahoo!/Geocities HTML help page

CNET FAQs on Web authoring

Philosophy of links

Style sheet FAQ

Browser compatibility


NCSA-UIUC tutorial good on aligning text next to images

JAVA tricks

Good form

colorswith names on them; can't be copied.

Dave's color definitions

Colors at bottom in this document


WDVL discussion list

Dave's site
Over 16 mini-chapters. Good details and tips, rigorous, has editing screens that show results

Standard Tutorial
MiniChapter 0: How to start your Home Page [A Must Read!
Very Important Stuff!]
MiniChapter 1: The Basics [What a tag is, Document Structure]
MiniChapter 2: The Common Tags [Headings and Horizontal Ruled Lines]
MiniChapter 3: More Common Tags [Paragraphs, Text Formatting, ALIGN, and Line Break]
MiniChapter 4: Links and Images
MiniChapter 5: A Little More Tags [Centering, BODY, etc.]
MiniChapter 6: Clean Code, Comments, and Escape Tags
MiniChapter 7: Lists, Lists, Lists [Unordered, Ordered, and Definition Lists]
MiniChapter 8: Extended Fonts and Text Colors
MiniChapter 9: Navigation within a Document
MiniChapter 10: Publishing your Page [Uploading, Structuring, and Copyright Concerns]

Advanced Tutorial
MiniChapter 11: More About Graphics [transparent gifs, animation, interlaced vs. non-interlaced]
MiniChapter 12: Tables
MiniChapter 13: Adding Sounds to Your Page
MiniChapter 14: Using Frames
MiniChapter 15: Using Meta Tags [Improving Search Engine Results, autorefreshing]
MiniChapter 16: Adding Counters and Guestbooks
MiniChapter 17: Adding a Mailto/Form
Promotion (Getting More Traffic)
PromoChapter 1: Getting in Search Engines
PromoChapter 2: The LinkExchange...
Generating Revenue (Making Money)
Generating Revenue with your Site - how to make money without doing much work!

Ron F. Wooley

Dynamic HTML


Case Western Reserve


Gordon Hakes


Chris Martin


2K Communications

Table Tutorial Netscape

Basic & Advanced-- Kristina Ross

National Cable Television Association

 [Image: Color chart, linked from above in this document]

 [Image: GIF-movie, blinking banner saying 'Do not click here' which links to a full page of the same banners.]